If you’re waiting for the next school report, your child’s future could be determined for you. Based on the results of just one exam, children are often streamed into classes of ability, which will affect the way they are taught and consequently their whole future. |
| Proactive Parenting | Take control with Test Your Child and identify strengths and weaknesses for yourself. You then have the chance to take action and ensure the highest possible results are attained. | | Created By Actual Examiners | Experienced U.K. Teachers and Examination Markers have been employed to produce clear and precise tests which have been carefully graded by national testing. Then the 10 out of 10 development team have built them into an easy-to-use, enjoyable software system to help you become more proactive in your child’s education. | | Extensive Reporting | The test will show you what you child does know and will graphically illustrate this against what they should know. A full report can be printed so you can discuss action against you child’s teacher. | | Ongoing Assessment | By simply repeating the tests occasionally throughout the year, you can check that adequate progress is being made. | | Test Your Child is made entirely in the U.K. and linked directly to the National Curriculum. It has been tested and approved by U.K. Teachers and Educational Advisors nationwide |