Rough, cruel and intense helicopter 3D action game that makes you fly and fight over desert, water and industrial areas. Get ready for brand new land, air and water units - armored vehicles, heavy helicopters, submarines, destroyers, carriers, speedboats. The level of details for 3D objects is incredibly high, so when you clinch the trigger to blow things up, they fly apart into hundreds of small pieces. |
| Now the iron birdies with deadly "claws" and "beaks" each have a set of unique characteristics. These Death Machines are armed with lethal weapons that the UN has outlawed long ago. One flying monster could probably carry out genocide in a few small countries with hard-to-pronounce names. | | In addition to new terrain types and environments, AirStrike 2 features terramorphing, which changes the landscape as a direct result of your actions. Plus, after passing a level and killing its boss, you can fly through bonus levels to empty your adrenaline tanks and release the unused rage. Simply fly and kill for fun and pleasure, while getting ready for the next missions. | | Each mission in AirStrike 2 is preceded by a small briefing, and radio communications with the command center are carried out on a regular basis to keep you engaged |