These card balloon race tickets are put straight onto the inflated and knotted latex balloons. After the balloon release both the balloon and the ticket will biodegrade upon landing. Latex balloons biodegrade like an oak leaf. Do not use foil balloons for a balloon release. Do not tie the tickets on with string or ribbon as this will not break down in the field |
These card balloon race tickets are put straight onto the inflated and knotted latex balloons. After the balloon release both the balloon and the ticket will biodegrade upon landing. Latex balloons biodegrade like an oak leaf. Do not use foil balloons for a balloon release. Do not tie the tickets on with string or ribbon as this will not break down in the field. Use an indelible pen on the tickets in case of wet weather. You can see text detail on the tickets by clicking to enlarge the imag | These card balloon race tickets are put straight onto the inflated and knotted latex balloons. After the balloon release both the balloon and the ticket will biodegrade upon landing. Latex balloons biodegrade like an oak leaf. Do not use foil balloons for a balloon release. Do not tie the tickets on with string or ribbon as this will not break down in the field | These card balloon race tickets are put straight onto the inflated and knotted latex balloons. After the balloon release both the balloon and the ticket will biodegrade upon landing. Latex balloons biodegrade like an oak leaf. Do not use foil balloons for a balloon release. Do not tie the tickets on with string or ribbon as this will not break down in the field. Use an indelible pen on the tickets in case of wet weather. You can see text detail on the tickets by clicking to enlarge the imag | These card balloon race tickets are put straight onto the inflated and knotted latex balloons. After the balloon release both the balloon and the ticket will biodegrade upon landing. Latex balloons biodegrade like an oak leaf. Do not use foil balloons for a balloon release. Do not tie the tickets on with string or ribbon as this will not break down in the field |